Calma Studio


Blessingway, cercles et rencontres .

It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a tribe to be a mother.

Do you want to share and exchange with other pregnant and postpartum women? Make mother friends and create your support group? Do you want to reflect upon and be accompanied to make your choices?

Join the tribe of prenatal circles, workshops and mothers’ meet-ups to create your own small tribe of support.


The Blessing Way, or Mother Blessing Ceremony, honors the passage into motherhood and celebrates a pregnant woman. 

The intention is to acknowledge the pregnancy, to support a Mama in gathering strength and confidence in her upcoming labor and to support her into her journey through mothering her new baby.

Each Mother Blessing is uniquely co-created with the Mama and her female friends, habitually in the last trimester. 

Cercles prénatals

The thematic circles offer support, provide information, help make aware choices about birth and motherhood, prepare for a more independent birth, and an optimal fourth trimester.

They are a group alternative to the individual doula support I offer. Please read more and contact me to let me know which topic interest you the most.  

Cercles de femmes

I regularly invite all women, French and Expat, future and post-partum mothers and wise women 40+ to share and listen, to support, to feel supported, to simply be together, bond and create a Tribe and a Village.

I have also created a group of Expat Mamas in Pays Basque – please contact me directly if you want to join us. 

Vos témoignages...

"J'ai participé aux cercles de Monika pour les jeunes mamans et bébés. C'étaient de délicieuses rencontres avec beaucoup de rires et de partages. Je les repartais toujours mieux et plus connectées avec moi-même. Monika est devenue une amie et une source d'inspiration de force en tant que femme, mère et enseignante. "
Juliana Toller