Calma Studio


Prenatal circles are a great opportunity to get informed, reflect your birth and motherhood choices as well as feel supported, heard and understood. They are also an opportunity to meet other mothers and create your own bonds and Mama Tribe.

Circles Topics

Monika sitting down pregnant with her baby daughter

The Adventure of birth giving and the role of the Partner.

To help you understand the basic needs of woman who gives birth, the physiology of birth and the role of pain, including pain relief and management.

To help you understand the role of the partner and practical tips on how he can support you during birth.

The Adventure Of The Fourth Trimester.

To help you prepare your optimal postpartum based on understanding the basic needs of all newborns: the baby, the mother, the father and the family.

To facilitate your preparation for the postpartum based on solid support, realistic expectations and creative solutions. 

The Art Of Breastfeeding.

To help you understand the physiology of breastfeeding, the principles of milk production, the importance of support and learn practical common problems solutions.

To help you understand the concept of the magic hour and the need for skin to skin contact. 


The Art of Bonding and Loving your baby.

To help you understand how to best respond to the basic needs of the baby, understand the role of bonding and ‘intuitive’ parenting to help you be the mother you want to be.

To introduce you to the concepts of baby carrying, baby massage (Shantala) and co-sleeping.
